An Analysis Teaching Reading Strategy in SD IT Insan Cendekia Bangkinang

Habib Aljufri Rahman, Riyan Hidayat


The study aims to 1) find out the strategies used by English teachers in teaching Reading for Young Learners, 2) find out the resistances experienced by English teachers in teaching Reading for Young Learners, and 3) find out how the teachers overcoming resistances in teaching Reading for Young Learners. The study was conducted at SD IT Insan Cendekia Bangkinang. This research can be a description of students 'English skills, especially students' reading skills. This research uses qualitative research in the form of case studies. Data obtained through interviews. Based on the data found, it can be concluded that the English teachers in teaching Reading use strategies according to students needs and school conditions. This strategy is used to overcome problems during the teaching and learning process. The results of the interviews showed that the students did not like reading English texts. So that teachers need to try to find good and appropriate learning strategies for students.


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